You won't believe what's been happening!
I took a year off
Maybe that year off did me some good
I must have learned a thing or two.

I know I made progress in rewriting My Money Story.

I have a new website - it's

I've gotten a handle on so many things that can help you in your Soul Journey and Business - and already, just in the last month, I've been working with greater clarity. I feel like I have a sense of direction in my business that I definitely lacked before.

But, the main reason I'm writing today, is to share with you a couple of things I'm overflowing with excitement about:
1. I just created a workbook (with a mentoring option), called, Soul Calling: Get clear on your purpose and create a business that's true to your heart; and
2. I just opened the doors on an special offer to coach with me. (This is for your eyes only)!
3. My blog has some super helpful + fun stuff for your enjoyment.
Soul Calling Workbook, 2 options
I created the Soul Calling Workbook, because after filling out one more of those:
What do you love doing so much that you'd do it even if you weren't getting paid,"
type questions, when suddenly the key to clarity struck me.

It made such a difference in my own business that I decided I MUST. SHARE. IT.

So I am.

It's available in workbook only, or workbook + Absolute Clarity Mentoring Session, in an effort to fulfill my calling of helping not only women who are broke, but also those who are willing and able to pay me. (That's part of the new clarity - I give some pointers on how I finally made it over that hurdle in the workbook).

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Special Offer Mentoring and Coaching
The Special Offer for Mentoring and Coaching happened because I finally got clarity around the reason I had so many blocks in my business prior to this:

I had wanted out of Corporate America so I'd have more freedom - if I put myself on a schedule, how would it be any different?

Maybe you know the feeling?

Funny how the subconscious mind works, isn't it - and how much power it has over us in trying to protect us? Like my dog, it means well, but sometimes I just have to figure out how to let her know, "It's okay. There's no threat here - I've got this."

As a result of my new-found clarity and direction, and a slew of other stuff, I'm finally at peace with being able to create a business that pays me well, and doesn't suck every second of time I have out of every day.

The reason I say it's for your eyes only, is that it's by invitation only -
Because I'm doing this at a quarter of my regular rate and only have a few spots open.

I really want to share with other coaches, healers and heart-centered entrepreneurs these things I've learned that I know will help them. (This isn't actually for people who are really broke. When you're really broke, you don't have the money to invest in anything; I know, because I was there for a long, long time).

This offer will be for those of you who:

1. Are scared to really do what you're feeling called to do, because there's no money in it
2. Suspect you're subconsciously holding back due to that same fear I had - you don't want to sacrifice your freedom
3. Are already spending every spare minute you have working your business and are in danger of burning out
2. Aren't clear on what you even want to do in your business - who you help, how you can, etc, etc, but you're ready to escape Corporate America and your J.O.B.

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Thank you for spending your precious time reading this. Let me know what new and exciting things are happening for you these days.

703 Juniper Court, Upton, WY, 82730-0532


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